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Robbery shootings – several stories

22-Jan-2015 | 0

A co-owner of “She’s a Pistol” gun shop in Shawnee, KS died last after he was taken to a hospital in critical condition with gunshot injuries. He was struck in a shootout that was the result of an attempted robbery by four male suspects who were fired upon by the owners. Three suspects were hit by owner Jon Bieker and […] Read More

Eugene Robinson on the differences between France and US in fighting terrorists

22-Jan-2015 | 0

Anti-gun nut and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson weighed in with his thoughts on the differences between France and the US in fighting terrorists, saying that more armed potential victims would make terrorist massacres worse: “In fact, one thing that’s different here is weapons are universally available and so, I mean, it is actually a very good thing that the […] Read More

Long passionate letter from former FBI Special Agent to AG Holder

22-Jan-2015 | 0

There is quite a buzz surrounding an open letter from a retired FBI agent to Attorney General Eric Holder. So much so that Snopes looked into it and confirms that it is indeed from retired FBI Special Agent K. Dee McCown, currently Director, Global Security and Loss Prevention at W.W. Grainger, Inc. Click for details and the letter.

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Operation Choke Point closes WI bank account

21-Jan-2015 | 0

Mike Schuetz, the owner of Hawkins Guns LLC, in Hawkins, WI, says the federal government forced the Heritage Credit Union to close his recently opened bank account because he’s in the business of legally selling guns. The United States Consumer Coalition calls this just the latest example of the extralegal overreach of Operation Choke Point, the Obama administration’s illegal effort […] Read More

Holder wants bracelets

21-Jan-2015 | 0

Soon-to-be-ex-US Attorney General Eric Holder, already found to be in civil and criminal contempt, has now suggested requiring everyone obtain a bracelet if they participate in any activity he deems unsafe (such as exercising Second Amendment rights). Holder wants to require a bracelet that connects to a gun so that the bracelet communicates with the gun. Maybe he should have […] Read More

Enemies Roundup for January 16, 2015

21-Jan-2015 | 0

“You have a mayor who hates guns. “If it was up to me, we wouldn’t have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swear to protect the Constitution and what the courts say, but I will do it in the most restrictive way as possible.” — Muriel E. Bowser, D.C. mayor, during her first week in office “You can […] Read More

Newtown update

21-Jan-2015 | 0

The parents of two first-graders killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the town and the Board of Education, alleging security measures were inadequate, specifically alleging that: The school’s lockdown and evacuation plan was practiced, but never implemented on the day of the shooting; The school failed to train a substitute teacher […] Read More

Pennsylvania’s preemption law producing change

21-Jan-2015 | 0

Barely a week after taking effect, a state preemption law that makes it easier for gun-rights groups to challenge illegal local firearms measures in court is already effecting change: Nearly two dozen Pennsylvania municipalities have decided to scrap their “potentially problematic” (i.e., illegal) ordinances rather than face litigation. Four pro-gun groups and several residents put nearly 100 Pennsylvania municipalities on […] Read More

Federal Legislation: Safe Students Act & gun violence task force

21-Jan-2015 | 0

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) has introduced H.R. 86, the Safe Students Act, which would repeal the unconstitutional Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. Original Cosponsors include: Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), and Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC). In the US House of Representatives, now controlled by the Republicans, there is a “House Gun Violence […] Read More

Napoleon and Czar Alexander’s exchange in 1807

21-Jan-2015 | 0

When, for the first and only time, Napoleon met Czar Alexander in the City of Tilsit in Russia in 1807, Napoleon pointed to a badly-scarred member of his vaunted Imperial Guard and said to the Czar, “What do you think of a man who can endure such wounds?” The Czar cleverly responded, “And, what do you think of men who can […] Read More

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