Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond
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RJF/Hayden update
We understand that the child abuse charges brought against former “Sons of Guns” stars Stephanie Hayden Ford and Kris Ford have been dropped. We also have a report that Red Jacket Firearms “owner” Will Hayden was indicted on two counts of aggravated rape and one count of forcible rape, to which he pleaded not guilty. If convicted of aggravated rape, […] Read More
NRA leadership shakeup report from Mike Vanderboegh
Bob Dowlut (who has a shady past) retired as General Counsel. John Frazer (formerly ILA research director, who’d gone into private practice about a year ago) was named as his replacement. Dowlut was a (NRA EVP Wayne) LaPierre loyalist. Frazer is known as a (NRA-ILA Director Chris) Cox loyalist. Chuck Cunningham (director of State Affairs) was made “senior adviser” i.e., […] Read More
Army guns and Army bullets
Army guns In early December, Beretta USA, the maker of the US military’s M9 pistol for 30 years, submitted its improved M9A3 as a possible alternative to head off the Army’s Modular Handgun System program to replace the Beretta M9 with a “more better” pistol. But last month the Army’s Configuration Control Board decided not to evaluate the M9A3, according […] Read More
More (lack of) safety news
A Cambridge, MA, fire captain was hospitalized this week and is now on sick leave after he accidentally shot himself in a fire station. The captain was in a stairwell of the fire station when he was removing a personal firearm and holster from his jacket pocket in an attempt to attach it to his belt when it fired, hitting […] Read More
Paris, France vs. Paris, TX
Paris, France vs. Paris, TX, by Matt Bracken: Another video of the Paris attack. Imagine if the videographer had a deer rifle instead of a camera. Nick Leghorn of arranged a simulation of the Paris massacre, but with one victim armed. Of a dozen runs, only one armed victim “survived” (by running away) and none got both shooters. Two […] Read More
Robbery shootings – several stories
A co-owner of “She’s a Pistol” gun shop in Shawnee, KS died last after he was taken to a hospital in critical condition with gunshot injuries. He was struck in a shootout that was the result of an attempted robbery by four male suspects who were fired upon by the owners. Three suspects were hit by owner Jon Bieker and […] Read More
Eugene Robinson on the differences between France and US in fighting terrorists
Anti-gun nut and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson weighed in with his thoughts on the differences between France and the US in fighting terrorists, saying that more armed potential victims would make terrorist massacres worse: “In fact, one thing that’s different here is weapons are universally available and so, I mean, it is actually a very good thing that the […] Read More
Long passionate letter from former FBI Special Agent to AG Holder
There is quite a buzz surrounding an open letter from a retired FBI agent to Attorney General Eric Holder. So much so that Snopes looked into it and confirms that it is indeed from retired FBI Special Agent K. Dee McCown, currently Director, Global Security and Loss Prevention at W.W. Grainger, Inc. Click for details and the letter.
Read MoreOperation Choke Point closes WI bank account
Mike Schuetz, the owner of Hawkins Guns LLC, in Hawkins, WI, says the federal government forced the Heritage Credit Union to close his recently opened bank account because he’s in the business of legally selling guns. The United States Consumer Coalition calls this just the latest example of the extralegal overreach of Operation Choke Point, the Obama administration’s illegal effort […] Read More
Holder wants bracelets
Soon-to-be-ex-US Attorney General Eric Holder, already found to be in civil and criminal contempt, has now suggested requiring everyone obtain a bracelet if they participate in any activity he deems unsafe (such as exercising Second Amendment rights). Holder wants to require a bracelet that connects to a gun so that the bracelet communicates with the gun. Maybe he should have […] Read More