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What it’s coming to

17-Jan-2015 | 0

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Whites & Hispanics 25X more likely to be shop by police

17-Jan-2015 | 0

A new scientific study from Washington State University-Spokane suggests that black offenders are erroneously shot by police officers less often than Hispanics or Whites. According to the study, officers were 25 TIMES less likely to erroneously shoot unarmed black suspects than they were unarmed whites, and officers hesitated significantly longer before shooting armed suspects who were black, compared to armed […] Read More

Protests in Black and White

17-Jan-2015 | 0

Did you hear about the protests in San Francisco this week after a cop shot a man who was armed with “only a pellet gun/replica gun?” No? Maybe because the dead guy was white. Protests of defensive wrongdoing don’t hold water when (a), the defenders were justified, and (b) the protesters are bigots.

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Pregnant woman / Naked woman with machete

17-Jan-2015 | 0

Pregnant home invasion victim takes gun; perp DRT On December 29, in Indianapolis a home invasion took place around 10 p.m. The two perps forced their way into an apartment occupied by a man and his pregnant fiance. The male resident was armed at the time, but the perps disarmed him. A wrestling match ensued in which the pregnant woman […] Read More

Navy veteran, retired LEO guns confiscated for insomnia!

17-Jan-2015 | 0

Navy veteran, retired LEO has guns confiscated under NY SAFE Act after seeking treatment for insomnia. Hospital violates privacy laws. Gov’t. officials violate Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments. I hate to think what they would do if they caught you taking aspirin for a headache.

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No criminal charges for John Hinkley, Jr.

17-Jan-2015 | 0

Federal prosecutors say they will not pursue criminal charges against John Hinckley, Jr. in last year’s death of former White House press secretary James Brady, who Hinkley shot and paralyzed in his 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan. Brady’s 2014 death was controversially ruled a homicide related to injuries received in the 1981 shooting. The US Attorney’s Office for the […] Read More

Jonathan Perloe’s gun-grabber quote

17-Jan-2015 | 0

“It’s time to stop calling the efforts of the gun violence prevention movement ‘gun control.’ Contrary to gun rights absolutists who call us ‘gun grabbers,’ we are for reasonable regulation of firearms that keeps guns out of the hands of dangerous people. We also believe in balancing public safety against individual rights with restrictions on highly lethal weaponry such as […] Read More

More enemies…

10-Jan-2015 | 0

In the recent Texas governor’s race, both candidates proclaimed their support for open carry and the expansion of gun rights in TX. But now, the losing candidate, Democrat Sen. Wendy Davis, says that she opposes allowing the open carry of handguns and that she wishes she had a do-over on the support she expressed for the idea in her unsuccessful […] Read More

B. Todd Jones for federal judge?

10-Jan-2015 | 0

Federal judiciary We have a report that former US Attorney B. Todd Jones, 57, who is now director of the ATF, is being considered for US District Judge in Minnesota. Jones was the replacement for Kenneth Melson at the ATF, who was ousted over the Fast & Furious scandal, and Jones has done a remarkable job of continuing the cover-up […] Read More

Fast & Furious update (again)

10-Jan-2015 | 0

Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the only mainstream media reporter to follow the government’s Fast & Furious scandal, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice, demanding access to FBI documents that involve her personally, after DOJ started poking around in her life and her business and hacked her computer. Three separate computer forensic exams reportedly showed that hackers used […] Read More

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