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Hit this poll: Obama & gun control

1-Jan-2015 | 0

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An American with a Remington (video)

1-Jan-2015 | 0

An American with a Remington, by Larry Gatlin and Billy Dean

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Why off-body carry is a bad idea

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Why off-body carry or carry without a holster is a BAD idea. Just because you don’t have small children doesn’t mean one isn’t around in a public place.

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Another word on trainers (video)

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Just because they say they teach guns doesn’t mean they know their tail end from a hole in the ground. Don’t be stupid.

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Good doggy (video)

1-Jan-2015 | 0

K9 saves officers life!

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What cops don’t want you to know (but I do)

1-Jan-2015 | 0

If you have problems viewing this document, then try this link.

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Armed – 4 stories

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Failure in the victim selection process Thug attacks pastor who is a vocal gun rights supporter, with warning signs on his house, in his home. Pastor wins and is cleared of any wrongdoing, with the District Attorney saying the shooting “was completely legitimate… It was legitimate as could be.” Predictably, thug had thuggish social media postings. Read more here. Let […] Read More

Terrorist threat to MS River bridge and nationwide

1-Jan-2015 | 0

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The FBI warned local authorities last week of an unsubstantiated, anonymous threat that Islamic State militants would blow up the Memphis & Arkansas Bridge spanning the Mississippi River. The FBI warning apparently indicated that according to an anonymous tipster, Islamic State had instructed a person in Memphis “to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, […] Read More

Cop killings

1-Jan-2015 | 0

NYC cop killings Tax-evading gun-banning “reverend” Al Sharpton refused to be upstaged by a cop killer who assassinated two New York City police officers on a Saturday, and held a press conference on that Sunday to tell the members of the compliant news media that he’s receiving death threats and hate emails. Gee, I wonder why? Protesters at a Sharpton-led […] Read More

Grimm report

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Anti-gun US Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), who pleaded guilty last week to a single federal felony tax evasion charge stemming from his falsified business tax return, will resign his Congressional seat on Jan. 5 “because he does not feel he can be completely effective in Congress.” Grimm had said earlier that he would not resign. As part of a plea […] Read More

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