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Enemies: Bill Engvall, Mommies, Rejina Sincic & Bloomberg

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Anti-gun comedian Bill Engvall is scheduled to be the featured entertainer at the 2015 SHOT Show State of the Industry dinner by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Not smart. The NSSF is made up of gun industry companies (as opposed to the NRA, which represents individual gun owners). Gun companies make guns. Engvall wants to ban a bunch of them. […] Read More

For the ‘Only Ones’

1-Jan-2015 | 0

Litigation by the Only Ones Some retired Washington, D.C. corrections officers are suing the Dept. of Corrections for refusing to issue the necessary approvals to qualify them to carry firearms nationwide under the 2004 federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act. But the Act itself is a farce. All law-abiding citizens have the right to bear arms, regardless of what job […] Read More

Lawsuit filed seeking injunction against Washington’s I-594

1-Jan-2015 | 0

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a 31-page lawsuit in federal district court in Tacoma, WA, seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of portions of that state’s Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure that took effect Dec. 4, alleging that “portions of I-594…are so vague that a person of ordinary intelligence cannot understand their scope,” and that other parts […] Read More

Appeals Court decides for the EPA & lead ammo

1-Jan-2015 | 0

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia last week upheld the dismissal of the latest lawsuit brought by anti-hunting groups petitioning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue regulations banning traditional ammunition with lead components. The refusal by the EPA to consider the petition was challenged by the anti-hunting petitioners in federal court in 2013. The National […] Read More

Fast & Furious update

1-Jan-2015 | 0

The Department of Justice improperly withheld public documents related to Fast and Furious after the first Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for them several years ago. Now that the agency has been forced by a court to produce some of the illicitly-withheld materials, they reveal clues as to why President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder kept the public documents […] Read More

Felony in Louisiana to fire gun into the air

1-Jan-2015 | 0

In Louisiana, it’s a felony (2 years at hard labor) to illegally fire a gun into the air, for instance on New Year’s Eve. It’s probably illegal in most places, but probably not felony stupid everywhere. Don’t be one.

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Merry Christmas, Ya’ll!

30-Dec-2014 | 0

“He’s making a list, checking it twice… Gonna find out who’s men and who’s mice…” Merry Christmas, Ya’ll! YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD ‘Twas two weeks before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. Why the PC Police had taken away The reason for Christmas – no one could say. The children were told […] Read More

Alan Korwin – don’t look in the wrong direction

30-Dec-2014 | 0

“When you look to government to protect your firearms – instead of looking to your firearms – you’re looking in the wrong direction.” – Alan Korwin

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December 19, 2014 product highlights

30-Dec-2014 | 0

From Ruger: A Prescott, AZ, 150th Anniversary commemorative LC9s with an engraved slide. The new LC9s Pro, a version of the pistol without a manual thumb safety. (S&W deleted the thumb safety from its Shield pistol earlier this year.) Some rare, unusual, discontinued, or one-of-a-kind Ruger firearms and accessories on Gunbroker. The new BX-Trigger, touted to be a light (2.5-3 […] Read More

US Army Marksmanship Unit’s .264 USA intermediate cartridge

30-Dec-2014 | 1

The US Army Marksmanship Unit’s .264 USA intermediate cartridge (details). Source (page 72, also includes the .277 USA cartridge)

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