Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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Seriously, fake having a heart attack?

9-Nov-2014 | 0

An ABC TV affiliate out of Houston, TX advises home invasion victims to fake having a heart attack or a breathing problem. In other words, play dead. If you do want to fight back, the station recommends pepper spray or a baseball bat. Me, I say play Rambo and whack ’em with a bazooka. Jackson, MS has the universal ban […]

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Jackson (MS) felons

9-Nov-2014 | 0

Jackson, MS Mayor Tony Yarber announced an initiative Tuesday that would eliminate disclosure of felony convictions on city job applications. Mayor Yarber, Ward 4 Councilman De’Keither Stamps and Ward 5 Councilman Charles Tillman, said city officials want to give everyone, regardless of background, a fair chance to get city jobs. Jackson is the capital of Mississippi. Next thing you know, […]

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Election follow up

9-Nov-2014 | 0

Some observations… True to predictions, liberal anti-gun President Obama was in Democratic US Senate candidate Travis Childers’ corner in MS. The day before the election I received a robocall from the President asking me to vote for his friend Travis Childers. The South MS Tea Party also showed its true colors by endorsing Childers in the general election. I wore […]

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Guns in National Parks

8-Nov-2014 | 0

Note that the NPS thinks that park facilities including rest rooms are relevant to “National Security.” I suggest that if you must go to a National Park, and then you must go, go behind a tree. Source:  

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Buzz about possible attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch

8-Nov-2014 | 0

Buzz about possible attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch. Apparently the buzz is because she’s black and female. Regarding the report that “She … was appointed to the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee, a position that required her to spend more time in Washington and drew her closer to Holder,” let’s not forget that ATF Director B. Todd Jones, who became […]

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Fast & Furious documents released

8-Nov-2014 | 0

Literally on the eve of the mid-term election this week, the Obama Administration finally released over 64,280 pages of documents that were illegally withheld from Congress after President Obama falsely asserted Executive Privilege on the eve of a contempt citation for Attorney General Eric Holder in June 2012. The release was ordered by a federal judge. It’s no coincidence that […]

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Updates on Hollis v. Holder

8-Nov-2014 | 0

Updates on Hollis v. Holder, a case we previously mentioned which was finally filed last week in the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. The suit challenges the post-1986 machine gun ban (the Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act) for legal entities such as trusts and corporations. Representing Hollis is Mississippi attorney Stephen […]

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS News, Enemies

3-Jul-2014 | 0

Litigation Nutball US District judge Marcia S. Kreiger has ruled in favor of Colorado’s new gun-control laws that mandated background checks for all gun sales and limited the capacity of ammunition magazines to no more than 15 rounds, saying that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect your right to use your choice of firearm for self protection, because, according to the […]

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