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- Bud W.

Jeff's Latest Posts

"Safe Place"

NRA, Litigation, Only Ones

16-Dec-2021 | 0

Reminder: No newsletter next week. Merry Christmas, yawl. NRA updates Directors put on notice. New York AG’s Suit To Dissolve NRA Highlights Critical Reminders for Nonprofit Boards Document List In NY Case Litigation We wrote last week about the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals letting stand the Trump administration’s bump stock ban, and this week a panel of the […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Legislation, Only Ones, Idiocy

10-Dec-2021 | 0

Litigation The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has affirmed – by a tie 8-8 vote – the ruling of a lower court judge who upheld the Trump administration’s federal ban on “bump stock” devices in 2019. The court sided with the administration’s argument that the ban falls within the scope of alleged authority Congress gave federal agencies to regulate […] Read More

Alec Baldwin

Litigation, ATF, Baldwin, Product Reviews

3-Dec-2021 | 0

Housekeeping I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday. Due to the holiday, therapy days, and mostly due to AT&T’s dismal failure to provide basic internet and phone service for a week, this newsletter is shorter than it would have been. Litigation The families of most of those killed and wounded in the 2018 Florida high school massacre have reached […] Read More

Rittenhouse prosecutor meme

Litigation, Fibbies, Only Ones, Products

19-Nov-2021 | 0

Litigation City of Washington, D.C., backs down in face of legal challenge to its “ghost gun” ban. Appeals court hears challenge to school ban on gun T-shirts Fibbies FBI Admits It Is Often Wrong On Gun Related Background Check Denials The Only Ones Back in August, when two teenage boys exchanged gunfire in a grudge match outside a high school […] Read More

Tenth Amendment

ATF, Litigation, Misc.

12-Nov-2021 | 1

Housekeeping I am planning to skip the 2A Newsletter on Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks. F-Troop Update on comments about stabilizing braces and unfinished receivers Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said this week that ATF’s failure to properly secure a federal firearms destruction facility allowed a contracted security guard to steal guns, thousands of gun parts and ammunition from […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Baldwin, Newsletters, Products

5-Nov-2021 | 0

Veterans Day is Thursday. Don’t forget. Thank you, veterans. The Invisible Veterans: Dickens, Tapley & Lieutenant Dan Fast & Furious: the gift that keeps on giving Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF “Gunwalker” Questions Litigation SCOTUS heard oral arguments in the big New York gun carry rights case NYSRPA v. Bruen this week. Reports indicate the court (including liberal Chief Justice […] Read More

guns in your car?

Litigation, ATF, NRA, Misc. Info

22-Oct-2021 | 0

Housekeeping We skipped the 2A Newsletter last week, due to a schedule conflict. It’s also possible that next week’s newsletter may be abbreviated, off schedule, or missed, due to a surgery in the family. Hey, if you don’t like it ask for a refund. Litigation SCOTUS gun cases discussion In an interesting aside, Tom Gresham informs us that if SCOTUS […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

GRPC, NRA, ATF, Litigation, Tactics, Surveys

8-Oct-2021 | 0

GRPC Did you miss the Gun Rights Policy Conference? Here ya go. NRA NRA Executive Vice President/CEO Wayne LaPierre was re-elected 44-2 (with 3 abstentions) by secret ballot of the NRA Board of Directors at their meeting last weekend. LaPierre acolytes Charles Cotton, Lt. Col. Willes K. Lee (ret.), and David Coy were elected President, First Vice President, and Second […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Correction, NRA, Litigation, FBI report

1-Oct-2021 | 1

Correction It turns out that the person pictured in a widely-circulated (including here) photo of an alleged David Chipman standing in the fresh Branch Davidian Waco ruins is not actually Chipman, but is instead an “unidentified” FBI HRT member. Chipman was working for ATF at the time and was sent to Waco as part of the cover-up about a month […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

GRPC, Litigation, Survey, Bad Advice

24-Sep-2021 | 0

GRPC TOMORROW – FREE The Second Amendment Foundation’s FREE 36th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2021) will be held virtually online on September 25th & 26th, 2021. Register here. Litigation Write-up on the SAF’s federal lawsuit against Cook County, Illinois’ semiautomatic firearms ban. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a July ruling it had made that found […] Read More

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