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Political meme

GRPC, Legislation, Litigation, Enemies

17-Sep-2021 | 0

GRPC The Second Amendment Foundation’s FREE 36th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2021) will be held virtually online on  September 25th & 26th, 2021. Register here. NRA The 2021 NRA Annual Meeting and fall board meeting is now scheduled to be held Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in Charlotte, North Carolina in the Symphony Ballroom at the […] Read More

free world vs communism

Litigation, Legislation, ATF, NRA

10-Sep-2021 | 2

Kind of short this week. I’ve been doing actual work. The Left The federal government’s web page for the Constitution now has a “see NARA’s Statement on Potentially Harmful Language” warning. We note that the only harm risked therein would be to the federal government, and that’s a good thing. Perhaps my website should have a similar statement, warning of […] Read More


Rules, Litigation, Newsletters, Testing & Tactics

3-Sep-2021 | 0

ATF Rules The comment period on ATF’s proposed nonsensical pistol stabilizing brace rule change ends September 8th. If you have not already done so, you may submit comments, identified by docket number ATF2021R-08, by any of the following methods— Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Mail: Denise Brown, Mail Stop 6N-518​, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

NRA, Litigation, Misc.

27-Aug-2021 | 0

NRA The 2021 NRA annual meeting has been canceled (more details here). It was scheduled for next weekend. Although probably the best decision, this not only hurts the NRA, but also a majority of the vendors and participants who depend on the event to generate donations and sales. Be sure to do business with those good folks anyway. Get online […] Read More

U.S. Embassy, Kabul, 2021, AP

Litigation, NRA, ‘stan, Awareness

20-Aug-2021 | 0

Litigation Two Hawaii gun laws were overturned by federal district court. However, the court noted that “The challenged provisions in both HRS § 134-2(e) and HRS § 134- 3(c) are not longstanding and impose only a moderate burden on the right to bear arms. As such, both provisions are subject to intermediate scrutiny.” In my opinion, no. The Second Amendment […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, NRA, ATF

13-Aug-2021 | 0

Litigation The Everytown gun ban group and two wounded LA County deputies are suing Polymer80 for selling “ghost gun” kits, which is perfectly legal. Related: Biden “usurping” legislative authority: Congress unloads for rewriting gun laws Court Rules Smith & Wesson Has to Turn Over Internal Marketing Documents to New Jersey Attorney General US District Court in CT: Gun Permit not […] Read More

Joe Biden: AR-14 Salesman of the Year!

Litigation, Enemies, Felony BBs, ADs

6-Aug-2021 | 0

Chipmunk reports Seven former ATF agents with over 175 collective years of experience, wrote a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee leaders on Tuesday urging them to vote against David Chipman’s nomination. Reports as of this writing indicate there are not enough votes to confirm him in the full Senate. ATF Nominee Combines Mass Surveillance With An Erosion Of Civil Liberties […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

ATF, NRA, Government

30-Jul-2021 | 0

Pledge ATF The ATF is changing its secret rules regarding gun sellers to make it easier for the government to strip firearms dealers of their FFLs. More from Chipmunk “The frustration is in the United States the freedom of speech and to say things is largely cannot be regulated… …We have to do more to monitor hate speech on the […] Read More


Enemies, Tips, Not Much News

23-Jul-2021 | 0

That was in 1775. Then in 1789 we created the Second Amendment, ratified in 1791. There will be no questions. Litigation More on corpus linguistics Legislation U.S. Senate Republicans have introduced the Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2021, which would double the maximum penalties for firearm thefts from licensed gun dealers. Not explained was why thefts from gun dealers […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, ATF, Home Security

16-Jul-2021 | 0

Litigation Why Corpus Linguistics Does Not Undermine DC v. Heller (Much) A three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (Washington, D.C. area and federal agencies) ruled 2-1 on Tuesday that the Second Amendment protects the rights of 18- to 20-year-olds to buy handguns and struck down federal laws that prohibited licensed dealers from selling them to young adults. […] Read More

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