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Jeff's Latest Posts

Irony of gun ban enforced by men with guns

Laws, Enemies, Safety, Fun

23-Apr-2021 | 0

Sadly, it is now past time to refresh the tree of liberty. Action item: Say no to D.C. statehood. Note that the U.S. Senate exists to represent STATES, not cities or people. If the true concern were representation in Congress, the constitutional approach would be for Congress to return the District’s residential areas to Maryland, following the precedent, set in […] Read More

Gun Control: it only ends well for those who control the guns

NRA, Politics, Self Defense, Enemies, Products

16-Apr-2021 | 0

Housekeeping My apologies for the missed newsletter last week. We had a failure of our phone line, DSL and electricity. It seems that AT&T and Entergy aren’t very good at providing utilities. But it’s funny how they always manage to get their bills here. NRA updates New website about the debacle Sixteen other state attorneys general have accused New York […] Read More

Things we didn't used to have to ask the government to do

Stats, Banking, FBI, MS Bills

2-Apr-2021 | 0

Easter Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. God has blessed us. Let’s act like it. ………. “The right to self-defense does not depend on statistics.” And don’t get in the weeds arguing about that. However, since you asked, look at “That Time The CDC Asked About Defensive Gun Uses.” ………. Banking updates The Wells Fargo board of directors […] Read More

Senator vs. Patriot

Litigation, ATF, Banking, SD Tips, Scrubs, Products

26-Mar-2021 | 0

Litigation California Forced to Comply in Sharp v. Becerra Rifle Registration Case Not really a win, since the gun registration scheme is an unconscionable infringement on people’s rights in the first place. The Second Amendment Foundation, joined by the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc., the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, the Coalition of New Jersey Firearms […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

NRA, Laws & Cases, Products

19-Mar-2021 | 0

Choking We have a report that Operation Choke Point is back — financial institutions, under pressure from the federal government, are refusing or terminating service to gun related businesses. NRA debacle update Last week’s emergency meeting of the NRA board was canceled, reportedly because of “multiple Covid exposures” to several people necessary to operate the meeting. Or maybe it was […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Appointments, Litigation, Crimes, MS Bills

12-Mar-2021 | 0

Biden’s appointments Judiciary Interior One commentator asks why President Biden has gone longer in the White House without taking questions from the press than any Chief Executive in recent memory. Maybe because he doesn’t have any answers? Joe Biden: not the smartest rock in the box. Litigation The Second Amendment Foundation, joined by the Illinois State Rifle Association and […] Read More

If the government says you don't need a gun, you need a gun!

Fed & MS Legislation, NRA, Stats

5-Mar-2021 | 0

Legislation (see MS leg. at bottom of newsletter) NRA, NSSF Warns Dems Could Move On Gun Control Federal lead hunting ammo ban ………. Take action here. And here. ………. NRA Oklahoma invites NRA to move there. I guess that would be “OK.” Meanwhile in this month’s magazine column, NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre (or whoever writes for him) wrote about “dumping […] Read More

Against Guns and Walls

ACB, Litigation, Legislation, Shooting Record

26-Feb-2021 | 0

SCOTUS and ACB Will Amy Coney Barrett Shake Up The Second Amendment In Her First Year On The Supreme Court? Action item Urge your U.S. Senators to vote “NO” on Biden’s anti-gun nominees. You can edit the text. We note that U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), who serves on the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, expressed […] Read More

Don't call us guns

NRA, Enemies, ATF

19-Feb-2021 | 1

Legislation Utah and Montana have both passed constitutional carry laws. There are now 18 states that recognize the right of legal gun owners to lawfully bear arms without a government permission slip. Five Gun Control Bills Are More Dangerous Than Sheila Jackson Lee’s Absurd Legislation NRA How to help fix the NRA. Listen to the first ~23 minutes of last […] Read More

Remember when this was legal?

Courts, NRA, Litigation, Enemies, Fudd, MS Bills

12-Feb-2021 | 0

Action item Democrats trying to pack the courts. Send letter from here. (Click the “next” button to get to the GOP letter version.) The D.C. Circuit already tilting left. NRA Major NRA donor David Dell’Aquila, who is leading a class action suit over accusations of financial impropriety, says he will request a court-appointed trustee to temporarily oversee operations of the […] Read More

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