Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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- Bud W.

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Never let the government take your guns

Litigation, Kenosha & Portland, Pepper Spray

4-Sep-2020 | 0

Litigation Judge Ronald Leighton of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington (state) has (erroneously) ruled that Washington’s voter-approved Initiative 1639 is constitutional and will remain law. The law implemented the same enhanced background checks, waiting periods, and purchasing requirements that have been in place for handgun purchases. The case resulted from a lawsuit filed against the […] Read More

Media not calling them assault rifles

Election, Litigation, Enemies, Riots, Juries

28-Aug-2020 | 0

Election & the courts Stakes high for Supreme Court as Trump battles for reelection I’ve said several times before that likely federal judiciary nominations are my only criteria when voting for president. Can I just say one more thing? Donald Trump, Jr., 2024. Those Who Forget History… A reminder about Ms. Harris Litigation Last week, Hawaii Firearms Coalition director Jon […] Read More

Kamala Harris

Election, Litigation, NRA, Carry, Shotgun Fish

21-Aug-2020 | 0

Election & media enemies An interesting read on eligible presidential candidates, by Alan Korwin. Biden vs. Harris Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Charles Schumer as the next SCOTUS justices? Vote. FYI, Liberal activists have lobbied for years to expand the number of federal judges when Democrats take the White House, enabling them to tilt the federal bench markedly to the left. […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Election, NRA, YOYO, Only Ones

14-Aug-2020 | 0

Election Well, Shotgun Joe chose serial liar Kamala Harris, the virulently anti-gun U.S. Sen. (D-CA) and former California Attorney General as his V.P. running mate. It is widely presumed that Biden, if elected, will not be capable of finishing his term due to his alleged and obvious decreased mental capacity, and therefore the Democratic V.P. pick is most important. Harris apparently […] Read More

Metric system

NRA Lawsuits, Mobs, Trouble, Sales

7-Aug-2020 | 0

NRA/litigation Anti-gun New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) has filed a lawsuit that aims to dissolve the National Rifle Association, alleging that the group violated state law governing non-profit organizations. The state civil suit alleges that the NRA instituted “a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight,” and accuses CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, former CFO Woody […] Read More

Be thankful I don't own a tank


31-Jul-2020 | 0

Words A thought: If they’re rioting, don’t call them “protesters.” Action item on federal “red flag” nonsense House Votes to “Red Flag” Military Personnel in Veto-Proof Majority Shotgun Joe’s gun confiscation plan (You’ll have to click through the contribution request.) Flying with guns We have word that the TSA has modified its rules for transport of guns in checked baggage […] Read More

A gun with the text imagine breaking into my house and hearing honk before smoking, suitable for NRA Meeting purposes.

NRA Meeting, Litigation, Church Attack, DGUs, Ayoobio

24-Jul-2020 | 0

NRA meeting postponed again? We have a report that the NRA Annual Meeting of Members and Board Meeting scheduled for the first weekend in September in Springfield, MO, is being rescheduled, probably for November, due to COVID-19 attendance limitations. We understand that the NRA membership sale runs until the end of this month. Litigation Dick Heller Weighing Another D.C. Gun […] Read More

Remember those kids at the grocery store sitting in the basket screaming and yelling at god during COVID.

MS AG, Church Attack, COVID, Boats, Lead

17-Jul-2020 | 1

Mississippi local gun bans Mississippi’s new attorney general seems to have finally found her website. There is now a page for complaints about local governments violating state law concerning gun ban signs. Churches Attackers don’t always use guns. This example was last Sunday in Florida. Election. Less than 4 months away. All 435 seats in the United States House of […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS Anniversary & Bills, Churches, Deterrence

10-Jul-2020 | 0

Mississippi’s whining and clueless liberals THIRTY years ago this summer, in 1990, the State of Mississippi enacted its concealed carry license law, making it legal for a person with the license (also called a permit in the law) to carry a handgun in most places. Before that (and since then without the license), it was generally illegal to carry a […] Read More

Dilemma: "Racist cops" vs. "Only cops should have guns"

Litigation, Studies, Industry News, MS Bills

3-Jul-2020 | 2

Independence Day is this weekend. Y’all go be responsibly independent. Why do you want to be an American? When asked of “Ank” (Hank), a French-Moroccan paratrooper, his reply was: “You kee-deeng me? More free! Very big, purple mountain majesty, wave of grain, cool! ‘Ot dogs at baze-ball game! Yankees, Indians of Cleve-land! Cruising in Chevy Camaro! More pretty chick-ladies, all […] Read More

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