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2A News (Second Amendment News)

NRA, UN ATT, DGUs, Enemies, Only Ones

3-May-2019 | 0

May 3, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman NRA troubles NRA Meetings NOT Quite Wrapped Up [The Outdoor Wire] An Open Letter to NRA Board Members From a Former Employee [The Truth About Guns] Letter from Wayne LaPierre to the NRA Board [.pdf document] If I understand correctly, Oliver North did not resign but rather announced that he’d been informed that […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

NRA, Litigation, DGUs, Churches, Products

26-Apr-2019 | 0

April 26, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman NRA troubles We’ve seen the storm clouds gathering for years and clearly heard the thunder with the NRA Carry Guard insurance and training debacle. Now Jeff Knox lays out the hot water NRA is in. Look for fireworks at the annual meeting underway at this time. This is not a time to give […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Tench Coxe, Seniors, NRA, Liar, Mower for Sale

19-Apr-2019 | 0

April 19, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Today Today is Good Friday. Remember what that means. It’s also Patriots Day. See last week’s message. US Founding Father speaks US Founding Father Tench Coxe, in newly-republished writings: “Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American.”

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2A News (Second Amendment News)

Buckshot, Boondocks, Lawsuits, Enemies, Patriots Day

12-Apr-2019 | 0

April 12, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman MidwayUSA has NRA memberships on sale. If you or anyone you know isn’t a member, now is the time. NRA action item — You can sign without donating. Who is the militia? The meaning of “militia” in the Second Amendment [Tenth Amendment Center] National Police Shooting Championships competition returns to MS The Mississippi […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Gun Control, Purses, Tueller Drill

5-Apr-2019 | 0

April 5, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Personal note Have you ever tried compiling legitimate news items on April 1st? NRA The NRA’s 148th annual meetings will be April 26-28 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. 80,000 members are expected. If you’ve never been to one of these, go. Trust me. Litigation New Castle County (DE) Superior Court Judge […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Churches, Election, Enemies

29-Mar-2019 | 0

March 29, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Litigation You’ve probably heard that the US Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary restraining order against enforcement of the ATF’s ban on bump stocks (which took effect this week, creating half a million instant felons) in the case brought by W. Clark Aposhian. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has done […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

PREVENTION, election, enemies, Only Ones

22-Mar-2019 | 0

March 22, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman MS legislation update HB 390 Rep. Bounds Passed into law. Effective July 1. Clarifies that LEOs under state law or retired LEOs under federal law may be members of an armed church security program, and are eligible for the civil immunity provided under the law. School massacre PREVENTION If you read nothing else, read […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Bills, Litigation, SYG Laws, Enemies, Misc.

15-Mar-2019 | 0

March 15, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Take action on unconstitutional no-due-process federal “red flag” bill. 2019 Mississippi Gun Bills still alive Next deadline is March 28 for concurrence with bill amendments from other house. HB 390 Rep. Bounds Senate-passed version returned to House for concurrence Clarifies that LEOs under state law or retired LEOs under federal law may be […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS Bills, Litigation, Election, Enemies

8-Mar-2019 | 0

March 8, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman 2019 Mississippi Gun Bills still alive Apologies to list members not in Mississippi. Next deadline is March 13 for floor action on bills originating in other house. Not guaranteed to be complete, or even completely accurate. You can read the bills and keep up with their status at — Go to Legislation. See All […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Legislation, Enemies, CAD Files, Fall Safety

1-Mar-2019 | 0

March 1, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Litigation Update for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ case of Young v. Hawaii, which challenges Hawaii statutes regulating and restricting carry permits on Second Amendment grounds.

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