Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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“2A news is still the bestest gun site on the net!”

- Bud W.

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Trump has better coverage than Verizon

Obits, NRA Memberships, Products

10-Nov-2016 | 0

2A News: November 10, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Tomorrow is Veterans Day. That’s why you’re getting this today. Thank a vet. And vets — Thank You! We wouldn’t be here without you. I had a double blessing this week — I was able to thank a vet while we were voting. And today is the USMC’s 241st birthday! Please […] Read More

Colt machine pistol

Terror Warnings, Veteran’s Infringement, Oklahoma Chase, Unions, Litigation

4-Nov-2016 | 0

2A News: November 4, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election is TUESDAY. Hillary said this week that she wants more gun control in order to protect violent homicidal felons from their victims. Literally. “Government Executive” polled more than 1,000 government employees about the election and found that 27% of federal workers said they might consider leaving their jobs were Trump […] Read More

Walther's new Creed 9mm polymer pistol

Election, Travel, Ayoob, Products

28-Oct-2016 | 0

2A News: October 28, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Hillary’s emails on gun control: “More Clinton Leaked Emails Detail Devotion to Executive Gun Control“ Other leaked emails reveal that Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta privately wished after last year’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino, CA, that the shooter was a white man rather than a Muslim, in order […] Read More


Election, Litigation, SEC, Fear, Products

21-Oct-2016 | 0

2A News: October 21, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Donald Trump said at the debate this week that “We need a Supreme Court that, in my opinion, is going to uphold the Second Amendment — and all amendments — but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege,” and that it’s “imperative” that the United States appoints the “right […] Read More

A sign with a picture of a wolf, promoting Hillary.

Hillary, Attack Updates, Cops, 911

14-Oct-2016 | 0

2A News: October 14, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election It’s official. Our next president will be a despicable, awful disaster. Just remember this: “He SAYS bad things; she DOES bad things.” — Tom Gresham US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer last week: The Second Amendment doesn’t protect your individual right to own a gun to protect yourself in your […] Read More

Dr Seuss, a beloved children's author known for his whimsical and imaginative stories, continues to captivate readers of all ages with his iconic characters and rhyming verses. His timeless

Election, Litigation, Terrorism, Products

7-Oct-2016 | 0

2A News: October 7, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election The election is one month away. About Hillary’s cabinet: “Is America Ready For Hillary Clinton’s ‘Shariah Advisor’ In The White House?“ About Hillary’s illegal arms trafficker: “DoJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who Links Clinton to Libyan Weapons Sales“ About Hillary’s fund-raising drug felons: “Hillary Attacks 2nd Amendment at Home […] Read More

Two women standing next to each other wearing vests.

Massacres, Riots, Terrorists, Leftists, Idiots

30-Sep-2016 | 0

2A News: September 30, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Hillary Earns 4 Pinocchios, “Pants On Fire” FBI director admits cover up of Clinton email tampering Here are some of the things Mrs. Clinton advocates: Reinstatement of the Clinton-era (the “other” Clinton) ban on assault/modern sporting rifles, Imposition of a mandatory “buyback” program (mandatory means “confiscation”), A ban on private […] Read More

Armed School Sign

DGU, Terrorism, GRPC, Correction, More

23-Sep-2016 | 0

2A News: September 23, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election “If Trump urging Hillary to disarm Suggests assassination, Does Hillary making US disarm Suggest genocide?” — WarOnGuns Correspondent Carlos Perdue “You know, I’d like to punch the guy [GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump] in the face.” — Democrat VP candidate Tim Kaine DGU in Minn. The terrorist who stabbed or […] Read More

smallest Kalashnikov

Election, San Bernardino, Church Threats, Litigation, Forgetfulness

16-Sep-2016 | 0

2A News: September 16, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Democrat VP nominee Tim Kaine loves gun control and sleeps with left-wing communist gun-runners: The Daily Caller: Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine On Gun Control: “I can’t think of an issue I’d rather be aligned with than this” The New American: “Hillary’s Running Mate, Kaine, Is a Staunch Anti-gunner“ The […] Read More

A close up of a group of 22 Rimfire bullets.

Litigation, SEC, Submerged Ammo, MS Events

9-Sep-2016 | 0

2A News: September 9, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election I’ve been banging this drum for years — it’s all about the judges. Litigation The US Third Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled en banc 8-7 that some people who had non-violent misdemeanors and/or felonies could get their Second Amendment rights restored. Enemies “Yes. Security is up [at her shows]. […] Read More

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