Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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American flag photograph - thank you for your service print.

Election, Liberty, DGUs, Ranges, Camo Ice Cream

2-Sep-2016 | 0

2A News: September 2, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election The Libertarian candidate for vice president this time, who will not be named here, appears to be both an idiot and anti-gun. But I repeat myself. “Perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it [terrorism] quite as much. People wouldn’t know what’s going on.” […] Read More

These are active LOCKS, no pokemon LOCK activity beyond this point.

Election, Enemies, MS Church CCW, Locks

26-Aug-2016 | 0

2A News: August 26, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election McClatchy DC reports that there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton or her top aides completed ethics training when they started at the State Department as required by federal law. State Department records show only three of nine top Clinton aides took the mandated training for new employees. Records also […] Read More

The "Rhode 6x" handgun guide for women, covering the 9mm Bear and including relevant insights from MS AG Opinions.

Rhode 6x, MS AG Opinions, 9mm Bear

19-Aug-2016 | 0

2A News: August 19, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Two different Rasmussen surveys, taken within days of one another in August, show a higher degree of importance for the Second Amendment among likely US voters than support for either Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton or Republican nominee Donald Trump. Well, duh. Guns are useful and important. Also this week, Trump […] Read More

I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you

Olympics, Litigation, Mississippi Church CCW, Obit

12-Aug-2016 | 0

2A News: August 12, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election If Donald Trump loses, it will mostly be because he beat himself. It seems like he says more stupid stuff than VP Joe Biden, which is a lot. Of course the fact that Biden isn’t running says a lot about his party. A former paid worker for Donald Trump’s campaign […] Read More

"Gun-free" UK (police with guns)

Election, Litigation, Feds violate laws, enemies, defensive Info

5-Aug-2016 | 0

2A News: August 5, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Didn’t see this coming: Protester Outside DNC: “Don’t Vote For Hillary! She’s Killing Black People!“ From Hillary Clinton’s private email server we learn that the ATF isn’t the only one running guns to crooks. Hillary was supplying them to terrorists. But she sure doesn’t want you law-abiding peaceful US citizens […] Read More

A-10 Warthog's GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling Gun

Election, Litigation, Terrorism, Security Tip, Coyotes

29-Jul-2016 | 0

2A News: July 29, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election From the DNC: Don’t SAY we want to ban guns. At-large Pennsylvania Clinton delegate Deanna Vicites, a convicted criminal, has resigned in order to face a charge of attempted murder in the shooting of her husband. And the DNC, which opposes US border fences to keep out criminal voters, erected […] Read More

Irony: some of the people yelling the loudest for gun control are protected by armed security.

Election, Enemies, Cops, Animals

22-Jul-2016 | 0

2A News: July 22, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election The Brady Bunch gun ban group says that the Donald Trump/Mike Pence ticket would mean the implementation of the NRA’s vision for America. That’s really all you need to know. But Hillary claims she’s “not it the pocket of anyone,” including left-wing billionaire George Soros, who gave her super-PAC $7 […] Read More

An old typewriter with the word newsletter written on it, ready for the February edition.

2A History, Chiefs, Navy, Black & White, Active Defense, TV

15-Jul-2016 | 0

2A News: July 15, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Indiana Governor Mike Pence has reportedly been chosen as Donald Trump’s VP running mate. How is Pence on guns? Can we have a Pence/Trump ticket, instead of a Trump/Pence ticket? Enemies “We will expand background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, […] Read More

A poster showcasing various types of guns and rifles, promoting activism for gun control legislation.

Litigation, Legislation, Antics, Activism, Knife vs Gun, Misc.

8-Jul-2016 | 0

2A News: July 8, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Litigation A 3-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit unanimously rejected the plaintiff’s arguments in Hollis v. Lynch, which sued the Justice Dept. to try to overturn the legal ban on new machine guns. The panel (led by Mississippi’s Judge Leslie H. Southwick) said that “machine […] Read More

American flag photograph - thank you for your service print.

ATF vs Paris, Nightclub, TN Law, Zones, Bracken Essay

1-Jul-2016 | 0

2A News: July 1, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman The Gift That Keeps On Giving Remember the Paris terrorist massacre (130 dead, 368 wounded)? Remember the ATF’s felonious Fast & Furious gun running scheme (body count still rising)? Well, guess what? Judicial Watch has learned that apparently one of the guns (an AK-style rifle) used in the November 13, 2015 […] Read More

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