Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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A group of people engaged in litigation, standing around a desk.

MS Bills, Litigation, Only Ones, More

22-Apr-2016 | 0

2A News: April 22, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman MS legislation update SB 2515 has passed the legislature and been signed by the governor. It takes effect July 1. Exempts the records of the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks relating to applications for and holders of hunting licenses from the provisions of the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, […] Read More

A woman wearing a black dress with a gun on it, representing an edgy and powerful fashion statement.

MS bills, litigation, anniversaries, learning

15-Apr-2016 | 0

2A News: April 15, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman MS legislation update SB 2515 has passed the House and Senate — goes to governor Exempts the records of the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks relating to applications for and holders of hunting licenses from the provisions of the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, AND records shall be released […] Read More

A woman, dressed elegantly in black, confidently takes the stage with a powerful rifle in her hands.

MS carry, Army, recall

8-Apr-2016 | 0

2A News: April 8, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman MS Church Protection Act, HB 786 The House has concurred in the Senate amendment and the bill now goes to the governor, who I think will sign it. It retains the open carry provision that allows unlicensed carry “upon the person in a sheath, belt holster or shoulder holster…” (”…or carried […] Read More

A woman, who is a part of the military, is holding a gun next to a wolf, after the Ban Overturned by MS Legislation.

Ban Overturned, MS Legislation, Military, Enemies, Chickens

1-Apr-2016 | 0

2A News: April 1, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Fairy tales The NRA partnered with an author to clean up some of Grimm’s fairy tales so that they now have happy endings. Now the anti-gunners are losing their minds over story changes such as Hansel and Gretel rescuing two kids from the witch and having the witch captured by the […] Read More

Hillary Clinton

ILEETA, Litigation, MS Vet. Board, Products

25-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News: March 25, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Be prepared At the 2016 ILEETA (International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association) Convention, attendees were advised in several high-end professional lecture classes that there will be “exciting” events (terrorism) this summer and fall on the international scene, and that we are all thus well advised to (1) stay alert and […] Read More

Mississippi Capitol

2016 Mississippi Gun Bills Update

23-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News Special Alert — March 23, 2016 2016 Mississippi Gun Bills Update Next deadline: March 30 for floor action in receiving chamber. You can view bills at under “Legislation.” Most of our remaining bills died in the Senate’s Judiciary, Division A Committee. Here’s who they are: Judiciary, Division A Sean J. Tindell, Chairman; Sally Doty, Vice-Chairman Members: Juan […] Read More

Take advantage of the Discount H&F and buy more Election magnets.

Election, MS Bills, Enemies, DGUs, Discount H&F

18-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News: March 18, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election RINO GOP presidential candidate John Kasich has been bragging that he voted for a gun ban. And, Bill Clinton thanked him for it. And we have a report from GOA and the Ted Cruz camp that Kasich is also funded by anti-gun billionaire George Soros, through his Soros Fund Management. […] Read More

Mississippi Capitol

2016 Mississippi 2A Bills Still Alive

14-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News Special: March 14, 2016 2016 MS Gun Bills Still Alive — House bills assigned to Senate Judiciary A Note changes to HB 786. Next deadline: March 22 for committee action in receiving chamber. You can view bills at under “Legislation.” SALES, RECORDS, SUPPRESSORS SB 2313 Sen. Tindell PASSED Jud. A PASSED SENATE – goes to House Removes […] Read More

An image of a gun with a holster, highlighting the importance of DGUs for self-defense cases and potential litigation surrounding firearms during election seasons.

Election, Litigation, DGUs, WWP, Lockboxes

11-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News: March 11, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Ben Carson has endorsed Donald Trump. We don’t know why. Hillary being Hillary (lying like a rug): At the debate last week, Clinton said “And they said, ‘give us absolute immunity.’ No other industry in America has absolute immunity and they sell products all the time that cause harm.” And, […] Read More

A black man in a robe sitting in a chair, reflecting the impact of legislation and the influence on kids in churches.

KS, Thomas speaks, legislation, kids, churches, Higgins resigns

4-Mar-2016 | 0

2A News: March 3, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Election Tuesday, March 8 is the presidential primary election date for MS. This is your first chance to vote against Hillary. You will have to vote in the Democrat primary to do that. Remember Vince Foster’s “suicide” 23 years ago during Hillary’s first administration? There are still questions. The DOJ has […] Read More

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