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2 Stories: Cooper (video) & a Record Shot.

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Cooper. No commentary necessary. Record shot A French Warrant Officer Benjamin, the adjutant, armored platoon leader in the 1st Regiment of Chasseurs d’Afrique, and his support team broke the world record for long-distance shooting after successfully hitting a target 2.3 miles (3695 meters or 4041 yards) away. The target was 130 cm x 120 cm (about 51″ x 47″) and […] Read More

New MS gun range opposition

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Apparently now it’s about race. But I see no legal prohibition of racists or any other non-prohibited person constructing, using or opposing the existence of gun ranges. So where’s the beef?

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MS Attorney General’s Opinion on hunting ban

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Interesting MS Attorney General’s Opinion on hunting ban (long):

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The (dangerous) Only Ones

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Decorated senior Navy intelligence official Col. David W. Landersman, USMC (Ret.) and two others have been indicted on charges of theft and conspiracy as part of a long-running federal investigation into a secretive military operation featuring the Navy SEALs and untraceable weapons parts. NJ police chaplain/priest Father Kevin Carter has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and […] Read More

An ammo box.

14-Oct-2015 | 0

“RCMP said about half a dozen homes were evacuated around Canoe Road in southwest Airdrie Friday night,” reports. “A new homeowner was moving in, and saw a device that seemed suspicious in the shed in the backyard. Police said it looked like an ‘ammunition box.’ Police, fire crews and ATCO Gas officials are investigating, and had called in weapons […] Read More

Liars at CNN, the White House, and more

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Another mass shooting sears deep into our collective consciousness, but it is hype and hysteria on the rise, not violence. CNN has apparently re-colored its image of the Oregon killer, such that he appears far more caucasian in their image than he does in other images. And the Washington Post and CNN insist that the US is averaging more than […] Read More

I don’t make it up – I just report it and comment on it.

14-Oct-2015 | 0

Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld, who is a staff member of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, says that hunting animals for sport has many similarities to lynching African Americans. (source) “One terrorist group is responsible for more civilian deaths since December 2012 (the Sandy Hook massacre) than Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas and the Taliban. Yet it is the only nearly-state […] Read More

About the Methodists. About the Christians.

14-Oct-2015 | 0

About the Methodists “Whereas, reflecting the church’s traditional role as a place of safety and sanctuary, Therefore, every United Methodist church is officially declared a weapon-free zone.” (source) “If thou hast not a sword, sell thy cloak and buy one.” — Luke 22:36 “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your […] Read More

Smuggling firearms to Mexico

13-Oct-2015 | 0

Two Oregon men have been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of involvement in a conspiracy in which firearms were illegally purchased and sold, then smuggled to Mexico. Gee, I wonder where they got that idea? We still have no word of any criminal charges or indictments of the purchasers or smugglers in the ATF’s Fast & Furious […] Read More

Waco biker massacre update

13-Oct-2015 | 0

“Not a single law-enforcement person lifted a finger to help any of the wounded. And they made it pretty clear that they were going to be violent if we tried to take our guys to the ambulance. Three men were bleeding out before our eyes…” — Cossacks Motorcycle Club, McLennan County chapter president John Wilson Still no word from the […] Read More

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