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- Bud W.

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How to prevent a massacre. How to help a cop.

13-Oct-2015 | 0

How to prevent a massacre. And how to stop a massacre. Eric Dietz, Ph.D., former director of Homeland Security for the state of Indiana and a 22-year Army veteran, now a professor at Purdue University, researched mass shootings from the 1950’s on. He discovered that only two of them occurred where it was legal to carry guns. Every mass shooting […] Read More

Oregon school massacre correction

13-Oct-2015 | 0

We reported last week that the Oregon school massacrist was killed by responding armed officers. Later reports indicated he killed himself in front of students after one of two responding plainclothes police detectives wounded him in a shootout. Either way, that’s typically how these things end — innocents get shot up, then armed good guys show up, then the killer […] Read More

Contrast: Hillary vs. Dana Loesch

7-Oct-2015 | 0

“I’m going to speak out, I’m going to do everything I can to rally people against this pernicious, corrupting influence of the NRA.” — Hillary “If a mom puts a gun to the face of a home-invading thug and makes him run for his life, the story gets buried. But if she’s unarmed and murdered, the cameras will be at […] Read More

October 2, 2015 product highlights

7-Oct-2015 | 0

Dan Wesson (now owned by CZ-USA) has reintroduced its excellent Model 715 .357 revolver (6″). Hopefully the other barrels and models will follow. Ruger now has its LCR revolver in .327 Federal Magnum. 6 rounds. $619. Ruger also has a new line of Ruger-branded ammunition in .380 ACP, 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP. The ammo uses a lead-free copper […] Read More

Mississippi 1,000 yard range info

7-Oct-2015 | 1

Here’s the new 1,000 yard gun range in Leake County. OFP Match Worx Salt Dog LLC 895 Greenwood Chapel Rd. Carthage, MS 39051

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Remaining silent. Safes vs floors. Colt update.

7-Oct-2015 | 0

Remaining silent Concealed Carry and the Right to Remain Silent – Part 1 Concealed Carry and the Right to Remain Silent – Part 2 Safes vs. floors I have no criticism of this approach, but will say that it appears to be a bit more than necessary. (I am also an engineer.) Note that the weight of most safes is […] Read More

Mississippi kidnapping attempt

7-Oct-2015 | 0

There was an assault and attempted kidnapping by a man armed with a gun in broad daylight this week in Byram, MS, within sight of the Byram Police Department. The victim managed to fight off the kidnapper alone and suffered minor injuries. A local TV station quoted a local “expert” who said victims should “scream police and call 911. If […] Read More

Gun free zones. Not gun free zones.

7-Oct-2015 | 0

Gun free zones Why would you need a gun at a ball game? “This is the third time this month a robbery victim in the city has been shot after handing over their possessions to the thief.” (source) Why not present everyone demanding you disarm on their premises with one of these, and watch them come up with all kinds […] Read More

Hillary. Judge Kidd in Mississippi.

7-Oct-2015 | 0

“We asked women on our staff, ‘Would you vote for Hillary just because she’s a woman?’ And we were shocked that more than 80 percent said yes. They just want a woman in there. And our question was, ‘Well, what if it was Sarah Palin?’ You got this groan from a liberal group of writers, but the women said, ‘Oh, […] Read More

Dept. of Idiocy*

7-Oct-2015 | 0

The Mercer Island (WA) School District banned the game of tag and other games on school grounds because they involved some form of contact, saying “This means while at play, especially during recess and unstructured time, students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The rationale behind this is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students.” […] Read More

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