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Jeff's Latest Posts

“The Only Ones” behaving badly

7-Oct-2015 | 0

Since 2012, 36 firearms belonging to the Texas DPS have been stolen and 7 have either been missing for two years or missing with employee negligence. 22-year veteran ATF Special Agent Marc Delpit is facing an aggravated assault charge for allegedly beating a man and threatening a Houston, Texas high school football crowd at gunpoint. NYPD officer Brendan Cronin has […] Read More

Amazing video: impressive reload action!

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Note the reload while moving backwards and being shot at and being chased by driverless car.

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Army & police?

6-Oct-2015 | 0

It seems the Army Special Forces are training local SWAT cops how to do amphibious assaults. I wonder if this reservoir outing has any connection to the beer run by the Mississippi Dept. of Transportation cops?

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USM Professor Anestis gun-control ‘study’

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Remember University of Southern MS psycho professor Michael Anestis, Ph.D., who recently published a pro-gun-control psychological “study?” He’s at it again. Now he says that “In our state’s older adult males — the demographic with the highest suicide rate in the U.S. — more than 90 percent of the suicide deaths between 2007 and 2013 resulted from firearms.” His solution? […] Read More


Brady Urinals?

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Spotted at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix last week. (More here.)

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Enemies at Hendrickson High, Waffle House and San Diego State

6-Oct-2015 | 0

This week an anti-gun Twitter user posted his edited version of a Dana Loesch NRA promotional video in which TheBlaze TV host shoots herself in the head. The incident has been reported to the FBI. After seeing this, Remington Arms has offered Ms Loesch a new free carry gun. A survey given to journalism students at Hendrickson High School in […] Read More

Liars at Americans for Responsible Solutions

6-Oct-2015 | 0

On September 21 Americans for Responsible Solutions — the gun control group founded by Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly — tweeted numbers from the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP) claiming armed citizens in America have killed more people since 1989 than all wars since 1776 combined. That of course is a lie. Two anti-gun groups, the Newtown Action […] Read More

Chiraq (again) and London

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Four people were killed and 52 wounded during shootings across Chicago last weekend, bringing the 2015 total shootings for the city to over 2300. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is of course calling for more gun control. Chicago already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country — so much so that some have been found unconstitutional — yet […] Read More

Oregon Massacre at Umpqua Community College

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Another school massacre this week, with 10 dead and 7 wounded at Umpqua Community College in a rural part of Oregon. The killer, reportedly not a student or employee, was killed by responding armed officers, as usual, after the innocents were killed. “[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask […] Read More

Sig Sauer v. BATFE ruling

6-Oct-2015 | 0

The US District Court in New Hampshire has ruled in the case of Sig Sauer v. BATFE that: “The ATF’s classification of Sig Sauer’s [muzzle brake] device as a firearm silencer was not ‘arbitrary, capricious, . . . or otherwise not in accordance with law.’ 5 U.S.C. ยง 706(2)(A). Accordingly, I grant ATF’s motion for summary judgment (doc. no. 18), […] Read More

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