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Updates: Chattanooga, Nassau County, Pope, Ivory Ban

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Chattanooga update All recruiters attend annual anti-terrorism, force protection training, which covers a variety of topics, including case studies, best practices and active-shooter response scenarios. None of that was helpful that morning in Chattanooga, according to the Marines. “We all believe that the [anti-terrorism, force protection] training did not help us in this situation,’ USMC Gunnery Sgt. Camden Meyer wrote […] Read More

Did House Speaker Boehner resign due to Fast & Furious cover up?

6-Oct-2015 | 0

Did House Speaker Boehner resign due to the Fast & Furious cover up? This is from Mike Vanderboegh, who needs our prayers.

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September 25, 2015 product highlights + 2 coupons

25-Sep-2015 | 0

BATFE has ruled that the X Products Can Cannon is an NFA item. They are wrong, of course, but that may not matter to the tax clerks with badges and jack boots. TrackingPoint has announced the company has completed a restructuring of its finances and operations, and is now working to fulfill its order backlog and is accepting new orders. […] Read More

“People choose for us to shoot them.”

25-Sep-2015 | 0
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Gunshot wounds (video). 2.16 mile shot. Bad technology. USMC plan. “Gun oil.”

25-Sep-2015 | 0

Gunshot Wounds And How To Treat Them, from Pascagoula, MS The main takeaway is don’t shoot at hard flat surfaces, like steel targets. Also, it’s good if you’re not all alone. 3800 yard (2.16 miles) shot. About 9 sec. flight time. There probably is such a th‌ing as “bad” technology: The federal government has been experimenting with using wireless Nano […] Read More

1,000 yard MS gun range and MSU deer hunting app

25-Sep-2015 | 0

MS gun range We have a report that a 1,000 yard firing range is under construction in Leake County, MS, near Ofahoma (west of Carthage). So far, a dozen protesters, apparently none of which took high school physics. Mississippi State University’s Deer Hunting App  

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The “only ones” (with guns)?

25-Sep-2015 | 0

Thomas Macri, the ranking police officer for the Borough of Bessemer, PA, reportedly accidentally killed himself last week while “cleaning his service pistol” at home. Police say he was home alone at the time, but was discovered a short while later by his girlfriend, and that foul play was not suspected. An autopsy revealed that Macri suffered a gunshot wound […] Read More

CCW safety

25-Sep-2015 | 0

An Oregon man was attacked in a WalMart bathroom and robbed of his weapon by a criminal who spotted the poorly concealed or unconcealed gun. The 25-year-old CCW-permit holder had a Springfield XD handgun in a holster in the back of his waistband, and his shirt “covered the weapon.” But a large man in his mid 30s apparently saw the […] Read More

DGUs in MS, MI, PA and CA

25-Sep-2015 | 0

A housebreaker was shot by a homeowner in Jackson, MS over the weekend. A 43-year-old bank robber at the Citizen’s Bank in Warren, Michigan pointed his gun at a 63-year-old (some reports say 60) CCW-enabled customer who didn’t appreciate that and shot at the bank robber seven times, hitting him three times (43%): once in the leg and once in […] Read More

Oasis Tabernacle Church shooting in East Selma, AL

25-Sep-2015 | 0

A man opened fire during the morning church service at Oasis Tabernacle Church in East Selma, AL last Sunday, shooting and wounding his girlfriend, his 1-month-old son and a pastor who tried to intervene. Apparently unarmed congregants disarmed the man, who then ran away and was later arrested and charged with three counts of attempted murder. I suggest that unarmed […] Read More

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