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- Bud W.

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MS handgun training at Precision Shooting Center

23-Sep-2015 | 0

Precision Shooting Center, Forest, MS, has announced that three of the finest hand gunners Mississippi has ever produced will begin holding one-day seminars each month at its facility beginning in January, 2016. LTC Pat Cronin (MHP retired), CPT Phillip Hemphill (MHP retired), and MSG Dan Rawlinson, (MHP), are National and World champion law enforcement handgun competitors. They have chosen twelve […] Read More

Walkin behind the star (video)

23-Sep-2015 | 0
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Kentucky trooper shot dead

23-Sep-2015 | 0

Killer reportedly an anti-violence Ferguson Protester who supported another cop-killer The man accused of fatally shooting a rookie KY State Police trooper Sunday night was shot and killed after troopers commanded him to drop his gun. When he refused and aimed his weapon at them, he died of stupidity. Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder, 31, died hours earlier following a traffic […] Read More

Bad boys (and girl) – ‘The Only Ones’

23-Sep-2015 | 0

An unidentified veteran 51-year-old Massachusetts state trooper sergeant shot himself in the leg with a shotgun loaded with buckshot this week while carrying a shotgun into his new cruiser, State Police said. He is expected to survive, and hopefully be wiser. You hear a lot of reports of “cop leg,” but not too many with a shotgun. “Fearing for their […] Read More

Officers Feloniously Killed vs. Private Firearms 1961 to 2013-

Natchez defensive gun use. Talking to police. Infographic.

21-Sep-2015 | 0

Natchez, MS defensive gun use Talking to police — “Concealed Carry and the Right to Remain Silent – Part 1” Infographic — private firearms ownership & police deaths over time (source — Officers Feloniously Killed vs. Private Firearms 1961 to 2013)

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Delta State University ‘gun-free zone’

21-Sep-2015 | 0

You’ve heard about the Delta State University (MS) professor shooting his rival on campus this week. “The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning hereby prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms or other weapons in any form by any person other than duly authorized law enforcement officials on its institution premises or at any of its institutions or […] Read More

Download: study explaining bias in right-to-carry law studies

21-Sep-2015 | 0

From John Lott: New refereed publication in Econ Journal Watch: Explaining a bias in recent studies on right-to-carry laws. Follow the links to download.

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Idiocy. Tips for Darwin candidates. More.

21-Sep-2015 | 0

Tips for Darwin candidates: If you get shot robbing a house, don’t go back and try to rob it again. If you shoot yourself in the leg, don’t do it again. A 16-year-old Tulsa, OK boy was listed in serious condition at a hospital after accidentally shooting himself in the leg for the second time in three months, according to […] Read More

September 18, 2015 product highlights

18-Sep-2015 | 0

There’s been a lot of chatter about the FIREClean gun lube product, with accusations that it’s nothing but canola/rapeseed/take-your-pick vegetable oil. The company doesn’t say what’s in it, but their patent application says three or more vegetable oils. I’m not sure what the fuss is about, unless it’s that they’re selling Crisco for a buck an ounce. Either it works […] Read More

Presidential candidates: Carson, Bush, Rubio

18-Sep-2015 | 0

Dr. Ben Carson (R) says you don’t have the right to own a semiautomatic firearm if you are in a large city. Jeb Bush (R) says there is no national right to own a gun; that it falls under state laws. (Might want to check the Second Amendment on that one, Jeb.) Bush also supports California-style gun confiscation laws. Sen. […] Read More

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