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Jeff's Latest Posts

MS election results

14-Aug-2015 | 0

Anti-gun MS state senator Kenny Wayne Jones (D-21: Madison, Attala, Leake, Holmes and Yazoo counties) was apparently narrowly defeated in the Democratic primary by another liberal anti-gun politician, Barbara Blackmon, who held the seat before Jones. Jones was a vocal supporter of the suit attempting to derail the state’s open carry law (which he voted FOR) in 2013 and who […] Read More

FBI Recants FBI Alert. Aurora theater case update. F&F plea deal. ATF not an agency?

14-Aug-2015 | 0

FBI Recants FBI Alert After issuing two alerts (one reportedly below) about Middle Eastern men approaching military families in Colorado and Wyoming and making suspicious statements, the FBI has decided their warnings contained no credible threats to military personnel or their families. Don’t relax just yet. Aurora theater case update We reported last week that the survivors and victims […] Read More

Military carry update: 14 Aug 2015

14-Aug-2015 | 0

The Tennessee National Guard reportedly recently authorized the carry of firearms by TNG personnel while on duty. Except, not really. And from a DoD contractor. Meanwhile last week, officials announced that the Navy has decided to move forward with a plan to arm military personnel at reserve centers across the country, with the guards trained in accordance with Navy regulations. […] Read More

Top 100 Items to Disappear First During a National Emergency

8-Aug-2015 | 0

Report from Bosnia: 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy…target of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. Portable Toilets 4. Seasoned Firewood. Wood takes about 6 – 12 months to become dried, for home uses. 5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps (First Choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!) 6. Coleman Fuel. Impossible to stockpile too […] Read More

Bullets are the only things that. . .

8-Aug-2015 | 0
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Springfield M1A 50 round drum

August 7, 2015 product highlights

8-Aug-2015 | 0

50-round Springfield M1A. That’s gonna be hard to beat. John Kennedy’s M1 Garand up for auction Concealment in vehicles Bud’s Gun Shop has Adams Arms blemished piston-type ARs for $629, no sights. Legacy Sports has the Howa 1500 chambered in .300 Win. Mag., with a 24″ heavy barrel (#6 contour). The new rifle is available with a Hogue stock in […] Read More

Taurus recall update

8-Aug-2015 | 0

Details about how to obtain benefits from a settlement over alleged defective handgun designs by Taurus International will appear on a website this month, according to the plaintiff’s attorneys. The settlement agreement would allow owners of affected handguns to either have Taurus repair the alleged defect in the pistol or exchange the gun for cash. If owners select the first […] Read More

Do Something & Gun Rights Policy Conference.

8-Aug-2015 | 0

This week: DO SOMETHING to advance gun rights. Write a letter, make a call, send a donation. SAF/CCRKBA Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 25-27, Phoenix. Free.      

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July 31, 2015 Correction

7-Aug-2015 | 0

Last week I reported on a Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center staff psychiatrist and University of Pennsylvania professor of psychiatry who advised a pro-gun veteran to commit suicide. Apparently the doctor’s name is Gregg Gorton, not Gregg Gordon, as was reported here. To any Gregg Gordons I extend my sincere apology for the error.

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Gators (video)

7-Aug-2015 | 0

I sure hope they don’t figure out door knobs…

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