Jeff Pittman's Second Amendment News from Mississippi & Beyond

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- Bud W.

Jeff's Latest Posts

MS Army Camp Shelby shots fired

7-Aug-2015 | 0

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week authorities investigated reports that two men fired gunshots from a vehicle “at” soldiers training at Camp Shelby in southern MS, injuring no one. No reports indicated whether the soldiers were armed or attempted to defend themselves, or did anything other than tell the teacher. Reports indicate that the Mississippi National Guard said soldiers reported […] Read More

A Time to Kill

7-Aug-2015 | 0

Remember that John Grisham book and movie? The shooting scene in the movie was filmed at the old courthouse in Canton, MS and involved a rape and assault victim’s father shooting and killing the accused perpetrators in the courthouse. This week in a weirdly similar situation, a man named Wells walked up to a criminal defendant named Brown outside of […] Read More

Former MS governor’s stolen pistol recovered

7-Aug-2015 | 0
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NFA sale scam

7-Aug-2015 | 0

The BATF has advised people to be on the lookout for fraudulent National Firearms Act (NFA) tax registration forms being used to sell NFA firearms (machine guns and the like). The scam involves use of the fake Form 4 to obtain a deposit but the firearm is never delivered, according to ATF. According to an ATF bulletin: “A typical scam […] Read More

The Only Ones (who should have guns)?

7-Aug-2015 | 0

Federal agents have arrested Kevin Ryan Lumpkin, 29, who was a police officer in North Randall, OH, on charges of selling guns to known felons and shooting a hole in their wall while in uniform. An unidentified off duty NJ state trooper is under investigation for firing shots at some teens who reportedly mistakenly knocked on his door in search […] Read More

Oops + 4 rules of gun safety

7-Aug-2015 | 0

A 12-year-old Florida girl was negligently shot in the forearm by her father during a gun safety demonstration last weekend. The injury occurred as the girl’s father, a former Marine, was teaching her about gun safety. The weapon discharged as he was instructing her how to draw a gun from his pocket. Rule 1: All guns are always loaded. Rule […] Read More

JPFO calls out NSSF. LA magazine ban. Lamestream media.

7-Aug-2015 | 0

JPFO calls out NSSF on expanded background check plan (NRA also supports the expansion) About that L.A. magazine ban Lamestream media The same day a man shot and killed two strangers in a Louisiana movie theater last month, two teens in Oklahoma were arrested for stabbing five family members to death. The Louisiana story got much more attention. Because, guns. […] Read More

Donald Trump. Disarmed iPhone. Lion killing. 6.5 tons of ammunition.

7-Aug-2015 | 0

Presidential wannabe Donald Trump claims to have a CCW permit and to be a “pro-gun Republican,” and even recently stated, “We have to get rid of that whole gun-free zone nonsense and just stop it. We gotta stick up for the Second Amendment.” Trump doesn’t allow guns, even with permits, in some of his properties. Which makes Trump fit right […] Read More

2nd Amendment

2A diagram

7-Aug-2015 | 0

Source — click to enlarge 2nd Amendment diagram above.

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FBI advisory

7-Aug-2015 | 0

We have received a copy of an FBI SitRep Alert, advising of instances of [suspicious] “Middle-Eastern Males Approaching Family Members of US Military Personnel at their Homes In Colorado and Wyoming…” Apparently ISIS/Al Qaeda is watching….

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