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NRA-ILA endorses MS Gov. Bryant for re-election
MS election Unsurprisingly, the NRA-ILA has again endorsed incumbent MS Gov. Phil Bryant for re-election as governor. Bryant is good but not outstanding on guns. Please leave this field emptyDon’t miss my next post! 2A News is sent weekly. Unsubscribe anytime. Thank you! Check your inbox (or spam folder) for instructions on how to confirm your subscription.
Read MoreBaltimore problems. Restaurants that want you dead. Threats.
Baltimore anti-violence/gun group suspensions, arrests for guns and drugs. Here’s a list of restaurants that want you dead Threats — Just in case we didn’t have enough to worry about already, have you ever thought about drones with IEDs? We’ve already seen them with functional small arms and video cameras attached.
Read MoreVictims guaranteed zones
Victims guaranteed zones = gun free zones A judge that gets it passes 20 year sentence for teen robber paralyzed after being shot by would-be victim Idiotic booby trap in Clarke County, MS If this gun is armed and not just for show (link includes photos) … well you know the rest. If it’s just for show, maybe he’s a genius.
Read MoreChattanooga, Tennessee Islamic jihadist killings of US Marines
Note the sign on the door amongst the bullet holes. That’s pretty much all you need to know…. US Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) is using Chattanooga to troll for more gun laws. (Rangel is responsible for the 1986 federal gun ban and was censured in 2010 by the House after the House Ethics Committee found him guilty of 11 counts […] Read More
Gun burglaries
Investigators said about a dozen teens cut through a chain on a gate at the Central Florida Fairgrounds and broke into the Orlando Gun Show expo building by smashing a window with a brick. They stole 26 guns. Someone stole an H&K UMP submachine gun, an M4 semiautomatic rifle, a Glock Model 21 pistol, and a Glock Model 23 pistol […] Read More
The Only Ones (who should have guns)
Off-duty Greenville, MS, Police Officer Arsenio Robinson has been charged by Belzoni, MS, police with accessory to a homicide after the fact, because he allegedly gave the suspect the keys to his car to get away. An autopsy found that a man was fatally strangled by Stonewall, MS, Police Officer Kevin Herrington, after authorities reportedly told the family that the […] Read More
Wisconsin pro-gun signs. Shotgun scare? Armed robbery (video).
Wisconsin pro-gun signs. If you think you will scare them off with a shotgun, think again. Armed robbery? Call the fire department….
Read MoreBlack rights
Reuters reports this week that African American support for gun control has fallen by 14% since 1993, when it stood at 74% according to the Pew data. During that same period, the number of blacks prioritizing gun rights over stricter gun controls nearly doubled, up to 34% in December from 18%. Attitudes toward guns are still deeply divided along racial […] Read More
New CCW studies
A new study from John Lott, the nation’s premier expert on the issue, suggests that the states with the most relaxed concealed carry laws have lower rates of murder and violent crime than states that make carrying a handgun tougher, with murder rates in states that do not require a permit to carry a handgun 33% percent lower than in […] Read More
Charleston & NICS
By now you’ve heard that the Charleston massacrist got his gun by passing a federal background check which he apparently should not have passed, and it was a failure of the system or the people running the system. (Of course, some blame the NRA, who didn’t create or run the system.) But maybe that didn’t matter.
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