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NM & US Capitol Police as ‘The Only Ones’

10-Jul-2015 | 0

New Mexico State Police officers arrested Alamogordo Police Officer Warren Whittington Monday after Whittington allegedly pointed a handgun at two Aaron’s Rental Center employees while the officer was off-duty at his home. The Aaron’s employees were there to recover a laptop computer leased to another person believed to be a resident of the house. Whittington is charged with two counts […] Read More


10-Jul-2015 | 0

33-82 shot, 7-14 dead (depending on which claim you believe) in the gun control utopia of Chicago over the Independence Day weekend. That’s reportedly a big improvement over the 1990s. CPD officers reportedly recovered “one illegal gun per hour” over the weekend. No reports of related arrests per hour. According to anti-gun Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, 12 residents have […] Read More

Obama IRS scandal also Obama DOJ and FBI scandal

10-Jul-2015 | 0

Judicial Watch has obtained documents which show that the US Department of Justice is colluding with the Internal Revenue Service to manufacture criminal prosecutions of targeted non-profit conservative groups, the “enemies” of the Administration. The records include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI. The documents also reveal that […] Read More

We are from the government, and we are out to get you

10-Jul-2015 | 0

The criminal alien who murdered a woman at random in San Francisco and then claimed that the handgun “just went off” three times on its own, reportedly used a weapon that was stolen from a federal Bureau of Land Management agent’s personal vehicle in downtown San Francisco four days earlier. Reports conflict on whether it was a personal or agency […] Read More

Colorado theater shooter was nuts

10-Jul-2015 | 0

Remember my policy of not identifying criminals who seem to be seeking publicity? Now a nationally known schizophrenia expert says the Colorado theater massacrist “still” believes killing people will increase his self-worth. The doctor is expected to say she found the killer was legally insane during the July 20, 2012, attack in which he killed 12 people and wounded 70 […] Read More

Hilary - the irony

Father Pfleger sues. Democrat intern killed in DC. Hillary.

10-Jul-2015 | 0

Anti-gun Chicago Roman Catholic Priest Father Michael Pfleger and other gun-banners have filed a lawsuit against the three nearby villages of Riverdale, Lyons and Lincolnwood. In essence, that lawsuit says that black people cannot stop themselves from murdering and stealing, so other people outside Chicago have to keep strict controls on the sale of guns. The suit claims that “the […] Read More

US blocked Middle East allies trying to arm Kurds

10-Jul-2015 | 0

We have a report that the US has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq. Just which side are we on? Not surprisingly, we also have a report that morale among American uniformed-but-disarmed services is at its lowest point since records have been kept, due to […] Read More

Pellet guns are not toys!

10-Jul-2015 | 0

A 17-year-old Massachusetts boy died last Saturday afternoon, just over a week after being shot with a pellet gun. And if you pull a BB gun on the cops, they will justifiably shoot you 13 times.

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CDC amendment authorizing gun violence ‘study’ rejected

10-Jul-2015 | 0

The US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee has rejected an amendment that would have allowed the virulently anti-gun Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the “underlying causes” of “gun violence,” as if it were a disease carried by germs. As if to illustrate why this is necessary, a new “study” by the anti-gunners at Harvard University claims more […] Read More

TTAG Commendation the ruester quote

2-Jul-2015 | 0
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