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Trainer bans appendix carry in classes

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Trainer Larry Vickers has banned the use of appendix carry positions in his “open enrollment” classes, because he’s afraid you will shoot yourself in the crotch. I infer from his statement that “open enrollment” means he doesn’t know beforehand the students’ skill levels, and that he does have some more advanced classes where such carry is still allowed. Rule 2 […] Read More

Kid safety

26-Jun-2015 | 0

I watched an episode of NBC’s Dateline on Sunday night, which was about kids (and teens) and guns. Amazingly, it was not a shill for gun control, but took a fair look at how to “gun proof” your children and teens. The take away is that the Eddie Eagle style mantra of “Stop, Don’t Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an […] Read More

Mississippi Election News

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Anti-gun Hinds County, MS District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith hired Robert “Too Sweet” Henderson, a thrice-convicted drug dealer and thief with a bad reputation who was pardoned by Governor Haley Barbour at the end of his term. Henderson is now a pastor and contractor. Campaign finance reports show that DA Smith’s campaign paid him $1100 this year as a “consultant.” […] Read More

Brandishing in Mississippi. Mental illness & mass shootings.

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Brandishing in Mississippi I generally agree with the writer. Regardless of legality, pulling a stunt like this will likely at least get you arrested for brandishing, assuming you survive. MS Code § 97-37-19. Deadly weapons; exhibiting in threatening manner If any person, having or carrying any … deadly weapon … shall, in the presence of another person, brandish or wield […] Read More

David Codrea

Journalist David Codrea

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Journalists David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh broke the felonious Fast and Furious gun running scandal of the Obama administration. David has numerous awards from the Second Amendment Foundation, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and even from Soldier of Fortune magazine. He has now left where […] Read More

Uber. HBO. Islamic State. Mario Biaggi. More.

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Car service app Uber changed its policy two weeks ago to prohibit its drivers from carrying firearms while they’re on duty. Until now, Uber had deferred to local laws. Uber’s new policy says: Uber spokesman Matt McKenna added, “We have adopted a no-firearms policy to ensure that both riders and drivers feel safe and comfortable on the platform. We made […] Read More

The Pope calling the kettle black

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Pope Francis, the elected worldwide leader of the Catholic denomination, said last week that people or governments who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites* if they call themselves Christian. It appears he doesn’t know what a Christian is. In the same speech, Francis denounced the “great powers” of the world for failing to act when Jews, Christians […] Read More

Toby Keith. Charleston Mayor Riley. Karl Rove.

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Toby Keith update: Country music star Toby Keith, whose restaurants prohibit the legal carry of defensive firearms, said last week that stricter gun laws would not have made a difference in the Charleston, SC church massacre, but seems to think that only cops should have guns. I wish he’d make up his mind. I don’t buy his opinions or his […] Read More

Charleston Update. “Gun Free Zones.” More.

26-Jun-2015 | 0

Charleston Update We can learn a few things from the victims and survivors in Charleston: How to be Christian witnesses in the face of pure evil. How not to volunteer to be a victim or live in denial. How far white America has come since the 60’s, judging by our reactions to this atrocity. You might want to listen to […] Read More

Litigation roundup for June 26, 2015

26-Jun-2015 | 0

A court decision in Puerto Rico has eliminated the firearms registry and licensing requirements to purchase and carry in the Commonwealth. The Ladies of the Second Amendment (LSA) group brought the lawsuit in a Puerto Rican Commonwealth court, rather than a federal court. Puerto Rico is a US territory subject to US federal court jurisdiction. LSA is affiliated with SAF […] Read More

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