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MS Boondocks firearms range update

5-Jun-2015 | 0

I saw another news report on the new Boondocks firearms facility at Raymond, MS this week, and was less than impressed because the report indicated that they are teaching students to keep their guns unloaded until they’re “ready to use it.” This advice supposedly came during a class to qualify students for the MS enhanced concealed carry license, and was […] Read More

Ex-Secret Service Agent: Second Amendment Rights “So Important”

5-Jun-2015 | 0

Former Secret Service agent and NYC police officer Dan Bongino said this week that Americans’ Second Amendment rights could someday keep us alive against lone wolf terror attacks: “The police do a wonderful job, so do the federal agents when they can, but the police’s job is to enforce the law.” “That’s why these self-protection rights, the Second Amendment, the […] Read More

2 DGUs + 1 sad ending

5-Jun-2015 | 0

In Conyers, GA, a citizen openly carrying a holstered pistol returned fire at a pistol-wielding man who came into a liquor store and shot and killed the clerk and a customer. The attack appears to have been a planned mass shooting. When the citizen returned fire, the killer stopped the attack and fled the store. He returned to the home […] Read More

The Only Ones (again)

5-Jun-2015 | 0

An unidentified Madison, MS, Police Department dispatcher was hospitalized after police say he accidentally shot himself in the abdomen while he was cleaning his personal weapon at his home last weekend. Rules for gun cleaning/work: #1. Load another gun. #2. Unload gun to be worked on. #3. Make sure unloaded gun is in fact unloaded. #4. Make sure again. Corinth, […] Read More

Unbelievable UK police FAQ answer. Unresponsive FBI.

5-Jun-2015 | 0

An entry in the Frequently Asked Questions section of (a site that is operated by the Police National Legal Database in the UK, which provides information used by local police constabularies to help inform the public) asks, “Are there any legal self defence products that I can buy?” Answer: “The only fully legal self defence product at the moment […] Read More

Vince Vaughn

Actor Vince Vaughn pretty much nails it

5-Jun-2015 | 0

“In a new interview with the U.K. edition of GQ, Vaughn expressed his undying support of the Second Amendment and the right of all Americans to carry guns wherever they please, including in schools.” Click for the story.

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USM junk science, orange violence, UPS & suppressors, 10 most dangerous cities

5-Jun-2015 | 0

The University of Southern Mississippi is now on the junk science gun control bandwagon. The conclusions of the “research” indicating that restrictive gun laws reduce suicides of course don’t agree with other peer-reviewed, statistically valid studies*, which pretty consistently state that gun control laws or regulations DON’T reduce suicide rates. This is partly because the USM psychology professor doesn’t understand […] Read More

Embattled former US House Speaker Dennis Hastert – diversion?

5-Jun-2015 | 0

Embattled former US House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) was no friend to gun owners despite an NRA “A” rating. Hastert has now been indicted on one count each of structuring currency transactions to evade currency transaction reports and making a false statement to the FBI about $3.5 million he agreed and attempted to pay to an undisclosed subject to “cover […] Read More

Presidential election: multi-billionaire former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg running?

5-Jun-2015 | 0

There is speculation in New York-based media outlets that prominent Democrats are seeking to entice multi-billionaire former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 73, into a bid against fellow Democrat Hillary for the White House in 2016. Bloomie is about the worst anti-gunner in our country today. Pro-gun former TX Gov. Rick Perry (R) has also announced his candidacy.

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MS election – Trent Kelly elected

5-Jun-2015 | 0

Tuesday Mississippi’s first congressional district elected Republican Trent Kelly to represent them for the remainder of the late Rep. Alan Nunnelle‘s term. Kelly proclaimed his loyalty to gun owners and our constitution on many occasions during his campaign, and was endorsed by the NRA. Now we will see what he’s made of, as he has his work cut out for […] Read More

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