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Idiocy in Baltimore and Idaho Falls

16-Mar-2015 | 0

We have a report that Baltimore, MD, City Schools are assigned the Baltimore City School Police for security. This agency consists of 141 sworn and armed officers. It is the only police agency in the state of Maryland dedicated to protecting a school district. They are also the only cops NOT allowed to be armed inside the schools while students […] Read More

False flags: “Mississippi” Gun Rights & National Association of Gun Rights

16-Mar-2015 | 0

Article about “Mississippi” Gun Rights & National Association of Gun Rights. Dudley Brown, of the National Association for Gun Rights group, is also the Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, just FYI.

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Anti-gun enemies want more control

16-Mar-2015 | 0

Anti-gun US Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is the subject of a Department of Justice investigation expected to result in criminal corruption charges after Attorney General Eric Holder apparently gave the green light for the DOJ to proceed with the case. Menendez’s supporters claim that the investigation is politically-motivated because the Cuban American lawmaker has recently been vocally critical of fellow […] Read More

Liars – Obama and Obama campaigner

16-Mar-2015 | 0

“Our homicide rates are so much larger than other industrialized countries, by like a mile,” said President Obama during a speech at Benedict College in South Carolina last week. “Most of that is attributable to the easy, ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.” But in fact, the United States of America, with more guns per person than any nation on […] Read More

Legal test of Indiana “Castle Doctrine Against the Cops” law

16-Mar-2015 | 0

Indiana has apparently had the first legal test (on appeal) of its “Castle Doctrine Against The Cops” law, and the castle won. Keep in mind that this may not be the same as any other castle law, and that presumably the public servant was committing a criminal entry.

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Lawsuit against the ATF over the federal machine gun ban

16-Mar-2015 | 0

A new plaintiff has filed a lawsuit against the ATF over the Hughes Amendment (federal machine gun ban). In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Ryan S. Watson and his family Trust is suing the ATF for enforcing the federal law, and administering “statutory and regulatory provisions [that] generally act as an unlawful de facto ban […] Read More

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (Chapter 1 “Arrest”)

16-Mar-2015 | 0

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested […] Read More

March 13, 2015 product highlights

16-Mar-2015 | 0

Pretty cool homemade cannon. The Winchester Pattern Board. An online electronic shotshell patterning system to see how Winchester turkey loads perform. Remington Arms Company, LLC has announced that it is now making available certain Remington Defense products for the civilian consumer market. Remington’s Defense Division designs and builds weapon systems heretofore exclusively for the US Military and law enforcement, and […] Read More

5.56 ammo ban update

16-Mar-2015 | 0

On February 13, the ATF announced that it was seeking comments on its proposal to removed the “sporting purposes” exemption of M855 and SS109 ammunition, meaning that it would ban production and sale of these popular 5.56mm loads. The same day the proposal was released, on a Friday of a three day holiday weekend, ATF opened up a shortened 30-day […] Read More

NRA Board of Directors election endorsements

16-Mar-2015 | 0

Just a reminder that the NRA election is coming to a close on March 22. I have endorsed the following candidates this year: Ronnie Barrett (Murfreesboro, TN) Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown (Boulder, CO) Joe Debergalis, Jr. (West Seneca, NY).

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