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USMC correction

10-Mar-2015 | 0

The linked article in last week’s item about US Marines surrendering their arms in Yemen apparently was partially erroneous. The USMC says the weapons were destroyed, not surrendered to Yemenis. (H/T Lisa Williams) That’s not a lot better. Your tax dollars at work. Do you miss Teddy Roosevelt, George Patton and Chesty Puller? Marines also upgrading rifles and moving to […] Read More

More Mississippi judges and supervisors circumventing the law on courthouse carry

10-Mar-2015 | 0

More Mississippi judges and supervisors circumventing the law on courthouse carry. Note that judges have no authority to make law, and there should be no punishment for violating a court order which is itself contrary to law. But I’m not an attorney. I do hope to be a juror at certain judges’ criminal trials.

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Here kitty kitty (video)

10-Mar-2015 | 0
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Wayne LaPierre on Brian Williams

10-Mar-2015 | 0

“Folks, Brian Williams isn’t the exception. He’s exactly what they’ve taught us to expect from them all. It’s not journalism any more — it’s entertainment, it’s celebrity, it’s agendas and it’s money. All too often, a lie is now an acceptable way of communicating. To the media, a lie has as much value as the truth.” — Wayne LaPierre

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March 6, 2015 product highlights

10-Mar-2015 | 0

The new Howa Mini Action bolt rifle is currently available in .204 Ruger and .223 Rem., with other short action chamberings coming. The action is about 12% shorter than regular short actions. The rifle has a drawn barrel (light or heavy in 20″ and standard in 22″), three position safety, 10-round synthetic detachable magazines, a lightweight Hogue composite stock (OD […] Read More

Winston Churchill quote on enemies

1-Mar-2015 | 0

“You have enemies? Good. That means that you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” — Winston Churchill

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AR reference, knife steel and Elmer Keith guns

1-Mar-2015 | 0

Colt Milspec AR pin & spring reference High grade knife steels update Elmer Keith guns to be auctioned — A group of firearms and accessories from the Elmer Keith Estate Collection will be a featured component of James D. Julia’s March 15-17, 2015 firearms auction in Fairfield, ME. The Poulin Auction Co. will also be offering a selection of Elmer’s utility […] Read More

General Lee AR-15

You might be a redneck… if

1-Mar-2015 | 0

You might be a redneck… if you have a “General Lee” AR-15 Yes I am one, and yes I want one.

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Hunting factoids: Mississippi & Australia

1-Mar-2015 | 0

A 2006 study by the US Department of the Interior found that hunting, angling and wildlife watching was a $1.2 billion industry for Mississippi. A study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week indicates that more than 10% of the land mammal species endemic to Australia have been wiped out by cats and foxes since […] Read More

Fight back like a man, or a grandma

1-Mar-2015 | 0

Ukranian Ekaterina Bilvik, a 68-year-old grandmother signed up for the military and recently made it through basic training with flying colors. Bilvik was inspired by memories of Nazi and Soviet occupation to take up arms against Putin’s forces, and her determination and combat skills impressed her fellow trainees, who gave her the nickname “The Punisher.” Wow. Just wow. Now THAT […] Read More

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